Sunday, April 10, 2011

SDU - Scrapbook Design and You

I am approaching the end of my second set of Scrapbook Classes. I am pleased with how much I am enjoying teaching. And I am amazed that even though I look forward to my classes, on the day of, I don't feel like going but, like so many other things, once I get there, I am fine. I expect this is a normal human phenomenon, but I don't like it!

My students have different goals and different levels of scrapbooking. It is fun to see them help each other and advise each other and work on their projects together. I love that they see me as an expert and a resource. How they view me has me rise to the occasion. It is very rewarding to make a difference with other people.


  1. I know how committed you are to helping those around you and that scrapebooking is a large part of that. I find that the end is always exciting and sad. I am just sorry that I have not been able to come :).

  2. I bet it has been awesome! I wish that I could see you in action. I'm sure that you're a fun and creative teacher. You'll have to give a mini class while you're here in a few weeks.
